RTII 701 - Stack Testing Methodology

HWC Regulatory Testing


* 2 - Day Workshop cost is $1,195 (U.S)

* 4 - Day Workshop cost is $2,095 (U.S)

Class Size: 30

Training Hours: 16 or 32

Duration: 2 or 4 Days Delivery

Method: Classroom Lecture & Exercises

Course Description:


This workshop is not designed to prepare students for the QSTI Exams. The workshop discusses the SW-846 Method 0023A (Dioxins/Furans), Air Method 5 (Particulate Matter), Air Method 26A (Particulates / HCl/ Cl2), and Air Method 29 (Multiple Metals), and other SW-846 sampling methods (see list of methods on next page). The Source Evaluation Society (SES) administers the Exams for the Qualified Stack Sampling Individual (QSTI). For more information on the SES Qualified Stack Sampling Individual (QSTI) Exams, go to: www.sesnews.org Click on General Information and then click on Qualified Stack Sampling Program. To arrange for a Proctor to administer the QSTI Exam at your facility, call Phil Schwindt at 972-307-2292 or 214-649-9453 (cell). In order for a Stack Sampling Company to be accredited under the ASTM D7036 Standard, it will be necessary for a Qualified Stack Sampling Individual to be present on site during each test. The ASTM D7036 competency standard assesses the overall ability of a stack sampling company to provide data of known and documented quality on a consistent basis. A stack sampling company becoming accredited, provides assurance to both their clients and the regulatory authorities that a stack sampling company is providing them with accurate and reliable data.

For more information on the accreditation process, go to: www.betterdata.org Click on: Becoming Accredited. Scroll down to: Overview of the Accreditation Process. The following is a summary of the important information for the Stack Sampling Workshop: Stack Testing Workshop on Observation of Stack Tests, Trial Burns and CPTs (Day 1) and Verification of Stack Test Emission Rates (Day 2) Course Dates: See dates listed in Heading, above (?). Duration: 2 days Course Times: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


(Bring a Hand Calculator)


Observing Trial Burns (STACK TESTS) and Comprehensive Performance Tests (CPTs) Using Detailed Observer Checklists. Observer Checklists may be ordered at the course or at a latter time. The following EPA Sampling Methods will be discussed: 40 CFR, Part 60, Appendix A You can find all Air methods at: www.epa.gov/ttn/emc (Click on: Methods, then on Category A) Air Method 5 (Particulate Matter), Air Method 5I (Low Level Particulates) - required by MACT, Air Method 26A (Particulates/HCl/Cl2) - required by MACT, Air Method 29 (Multiple Metals) - required by MACT. SW-846 You can find all RCRA methods at: www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/test/main.htm (Click on: 0010-0100 Series) RCRA Method 0010 (Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds) - required for DRE and Risk Assessment, RCRA Method 0023A (Dioxins/Furans) - required by MACT and RCRA, RCRA Method 0030 or 0031 (Volatile Organic Compounds) - required for DRE and Risk Assessment, RCRA Method 0040 (Total Volatile Organics) - required for Risk Assessment, RCRA Method 0050 (Particulates/HCl/Cl2), RCRA Method 0060 (Multiple Metals), Other RCRA Methods, as time permits, e.g., Method 0011 (Aldehydes) and M0061 (Hexavalent Chromium).


Verifying Trial Burn Emission Data Using Approved EPA methods and procedures. Step-by-step procedures involved in calculating and verifying the following parameters: 1) Stack Gas Velocity (ft/sec), 2) Stack Gas Flow Rate (dscfm), 3) Pollutant Concentration (gr/dscf and ng/dscm), 4) Mass Emission Rates (lb/hr and gm/sec), 5) Dioxin TEQ Concentrations (ng/dscm @ 7% O2), 6) Correction Factors for Particulates and Dioxins TEQ), and 7) Converting Gaseous Concentration (ppm) to Mass Emission Rate (lb/hr)


The two-day Workshop will cover topics associated with observing stack tests and verifying calculation of stack test emission data, The training workshop is designed to provide participants with the fundamental skills necessary for proper observation and emission rate verification and review. For all hazardous waste site investigations, it is essential to know the quality of the data used for decision-making purposes.


Who Should Attend? This workshop is for chemists, entry-level and experienced stack testers, trial burn and stack test observers, environmental managers, government regulators, and permit writers, who need to observe stack tests and evaluate emission data to a full quality control level. Governmental agency staff (federal, state, and province) involved in HWC stack testing regulatory activities; i.e., stack testers, agency observers, regulators, inspectors, permit writers, quality assurance personnel, and regulatory managers, who have an interest in:

1) Learning the basic concepts of "How to Verify Trial Burn and Stack Test Emission Data",

2) Learning the procedures of "Observing Trial Burns Using Detailed Checklists".


How you'll benefit from this Course:

1) Obtain expertise in observing trial burns and stack tests,

2) Learn how to use detailed observation check lists. This allows you to record all stack test procedures.

3) Learn how to calculate stack gas concentrations and stack gas emission rates to verify stack contractor's results,

4) Obtain expertise as a Quality Assurance Manager. Course Topics: Observation of RCRA Trial Burns and MACT CPTs (Stack Tests) -- Description of EPA sampling methods used during Stack Sampling, Trial Burns, and CPTs.


Observer's checklists will be discussed for each sampling method. Verification of RCRA Trial Burn and MACT CPT Emission Rates, by calculation with an Excel spreadsheet. A practical exercise will be enjoyed by all students at the end of the workshop. Each student is requested to bring a hand calculator, with a square root function. Also, a game of JEOPARDY will be played at the end of each day.


A course manual consisting of approximately 250 pages will be provided to each student.


RTII701- Stack Testing Available Methods Training



* 2-Day Training Course limited to half of these methods.

* 4-Day Training Course covers all of these methods.


 Method 1 (Traverse Points)

 Method 1A (Traverse points in small ducts)

 Method 2 (Velocity - S type Pitot)

 Method 2A (Flow rate in small ducts - volume meters)

 Method 2C (Flow rate in small ducts - standard Pitot)

 Method 2D (Flow rate in small ducts - rate meters)

 Methods 2F, 2G, and 2H (Velocity and flow - 3-D and 2-D S-type probes)

  Method 3 (Molecular weight of stack gases)

  Method 3B (CO2, O2 - Orsat)

  Method 4(Moisture content)

  Method 5 (Particulates)

  Method 5A (PM - asphalt roofing)

  Method 5B (PM – non-sulfuric acid)

  Method 5D (PM – bag-houses)

  Method 5E (PM - fiberglass plants)

  Method 5F (PM - fluid catalytic cracking unit)

  Method 5I (Low Level Particulates)

  Method 17 (Particulate - in-stack filtration method)

  Method 19 (Removal Efficiency and Emission Rates)

  Method 3B (O2 and CO2)

  Method 6 (SO2)

  Method 6A (SO2, Moisture and CO2)

  Method 6B (CO2 and SO2)

  Method 7 (NOx)

  Method 7C (NOx)

  Method 8 (H2SO4)

  Method 11 (H2S)

  Method s 13A and 13B (Fluoride)

  Method 15A (TRS)

  Method 16A (TRS)

  Method 26 (HCl)

  Method 26A (HCl and Particulates)

  Method 202 (Condensable Particulates)


Instrumental Methods

  Method 7E (NOx)

  Method 3A (O2 and CO2)

  Method 6C (SO2)

  Method 10 (CO)

  Method 25A (Total Gaseous Organics)


  CEMS Performance Specifications:

      PS2, PS3, PS4, PS4A, PS5, PS6, PS7, PS8, and PS15


Metals Methods

  Method 12 (Lead)

  Method 29 (Multiple Metals)

  Method 30B (Total Vapor Phase Mercury Using Carbon Sorbent Traps)

  Method 101 (Mercury Emissions From Chlor-Alkali Plants ‘Air Streams’)

  Method 101A (Mercury Emissions From Sewage Sludge Incinerators)

  Method 102 (Mercury Emissions From Chlor-Alkali Plants ‘Hydrogen Streams’)

  ASTM D 6784-02 (Ontario Hydro Method) [Mercury Speciation]


Hazardous Waste Combustion Methods

  Method 0010 (Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds)

  Method 0011 (Aldehydes & Ketones)

  Method 0023A (Dioxin and Furan Compounds)

  Method 0030 (Volatile Organic Compounds)

  Method 0040 (Total Volatile Organic Compounds ‘BAG’)

  Method 0050 (Particulates, HCl and Cl2)

  Method 0060 (Multiple Metals)

  Method 0061 (Hexavalent Chromium)